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JFBB Racing Foundation’s Annual Banquet

Annual BanquetCome Celebrate Our Season – Together!
6p-10pLake Naomi Clubhouse

The Jack Frost Big Boulder Racing Foundation’s purpose is to offer junior athletes a developmental opportunity to reach their desired goals, whether it be joining the United States Ski Team, developing their skills with an eye towards college scholarships, or simply to become a better skier. Through the dues paid to the Foundation, we support our athletes in many ways. Please keep in mind that money paid to Jack Frost Big Boulder Mountain for training fees is separate from money paid to the Foundation.

Jack Frost Big Boulder Racing Foundation provides support in the following manner:

  • Assists with equipment purchases
  • Promotes the team to ensure future growth and sustainability of the organization
  • Provides and executes annual fundraising campaigns
  • Provides scholarships opportunities to racers/coaches to help them pursue their college goals
  • Provides for coach training & certification
  • Works closely with JFBB Mountain to ensure the facilities are kept up and the team is being supported properly

JFBB Racing Foundation Board of Directors

Vice PresidentChristopher

Our 501(c)(3) application was submitted to the Internal Revenue Service in February 2015. It is a significant milestone in our history. While it will take several months for approval, the green light is lit to start seeking and accepting donations to the Jack Frost Big Boulder Racing Foundation. One of the biggest benefits of a 501(c)(3) is an exemption from taxes. This means our organization will be exempt from federal taxes, sales taxes, and property taxes. Being tax-exempt will save us money over time, a plus to any nonprofit organization.

The competition and developmental races do not happen without the help of the volunteers of the Jack Frost Big Boulder Racing Foundation. To host a race or event, it takes the cooperation of the ski area, coaches, and volunteers. It takes ALL OF US – both developmental racer and sanctioned racer parents in order to pull off these events for our team members. Parent volunteers are the backbone of these races. DO NOT BE AFRAID! There’s very little to learn and it’s great to jump in with both feet. It’s also a very small-time commitment, generally a little over an hour of your day for most ‘beginner’ positions. It’s a great way to meet other racer family members and see how the program really works. Remember, each racer family has an obligation over the course of the season for volunteer time (per racer).

We also need people to participate as Committee Members and help us to get going on a successful path! It begins with YOU. Please take a moment to email your experiences of the past and suggestions on how to improve the program. Do you have experience with Public Relations? Fundraising? Coaching? Web Design? Graphic Design? Wait no further! Take a moment to send us an email at and get started!

Jack Frost Big Boulder Racing Foundation

Syndey Tedone Scholarship Program

The Jack Frost Big Boulder Racing Foundation has renamed the annual scholarship in honor of Sydney TedoneSydney was an 18-year-old from New York City who loved to help others.  Even during her time at Jack Frost, she never stopped trying to do what she could to make others happy.  Sydney joined the Jack Frost Development Team in 2012 at the age of 13. She skied with the Development Team for 4 years, and then decided to become an assistant coach with the young skiers in the Junior Development Program. But this role only touched on the surface of her efforts to support children.


The Jack Frost Racing Big Boulder Foundation established a scholarship fund in honor of Sydney Tedone that is available to current members of the JFBB Race Team and the JFBB Racing Foundation who are graduating from high school and are pursuing their education at a college, university, trade school or advancing their coaching or official certifications. Funds for scholarships are raised from targeted fundraising initiatives, donor-directed funds, and other non-membership fee sources. The Sydney Tedone scholarships are designed to recognize JFBB Racing athletes and coaches for excellence, athleticism, achievement, and dedicated participation in the JFBB Racing program.

Applications are due February 28.


Scholarship Committee

The Scholarship Committee is made up of the five JFBB Racing Foundation Board Members and three of the JFBB Race Team Coaches appointed by the Race Team Director. The Scholarship Committee is charged with management and oversight of the Scholarship Program and selection of the scholarship award recipients. Selected recipients will receive a scholarship to cover eligible expenses for post-secondary education-related tuition, fees, books, and room and board. Scholarship will be paid in the form of a check for reimbursement once the recipient provides proof of eligible purchases in the form of an invoice or store receipt.

Selection will be made by the Scholarship Committee. JFBB Racing Foundation Sydney Tedone Scholarship Program Guidelines will be reviewed and revised as needed on an annual basis by the Scholarship Committee.