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I’m on the Competition Team – Now What?

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You are now part of the Competition Team.  Now what?

The Competition Team is the set of racers that travel to other ski areas for race events.   To compete in those race events, each racer needs to be a member of the United States Ski and Snowboard (USSS) organization as well as a member of the Pennsylvania Alpine Racing Association (PARA).  Normally, the racers will compete in local USSS/PARA race events.

Join/Renew United States Ski & Snowboard

  • Go to and select the “Members” menu choice.  Go to “Join/Renew your xxx membership today”
  • If you are new, a parent or guardian should “Create an Account”.  Think of this as the master account for managing any individual family members you may be including.
  • Once your account is created, you can log in and create any new USSA members you require – “Register a new USSA member”
  • Go through entering the information for each member you are adding.
  • When you enter the information, you will be asked which STATE and CLUB  you are a member of.  Answer = Pennsylvania: Jack Frost/Big Boulder Ski Team.
  • Next, you will be asked for your Sport & Membership Type.  The Sport = Alpine;  Membership options will be displayed based on the DoB you entered for that member.  You should choose the Alpine Competitor for each individual who will actually be competing.  Additionally, if you are a Parent/Guardian, you may wish to join USSS as a Club Volunteer or Official, and receive the same Member Benefits as your racer(s).

Once you complete the USSS registration, you will receive a USSS number for each individual you have registered.  This USSS number will be the identifier for as long as the individual is affiliated with USSS.

Race Registration

PARA currently uses Admin Ski Racing for online race registration.  Again, you want to LOGIN/SIGN-UP on Admin Ski Racing as you did with USSS.

  • Create a master account using a parental/guardian id so that you can manage any racer which is in your family
  • You will add each racer to the master account using the racer’s USSS number
  • Once this information is added, then you will use the account as the means of registering each racer for her/his race.   You will see a dashboard list of events available to the individual to compete in.  By default, PARA should be the events you see on your dashboard.
  • It is an excellent idea to register your racer for the event approximately 7-10 days prior to the event.  Many events have registration cut-off dates and may require late fees if you miss that date;  Or in some cases not allowing the racer to compete at all.
  • Once your racer is older and more experienced, you can see what other regions have races that you may want to attend.  You would simply select the region (MARA, NHARA, NJSRA, NYSSRA, etc.) to see the list of events in those regions.